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Humanism is harmony.

In the summer of 2007 at my grandparents’ cottage I married the girl of my dreams. She and her bridesmaids came across the lake on a boat, and there on deck we declared our love and commitment to each other. No church, no prayers. Just a public declaration before our family and friends.

Thanks to a dedicated group of trailblazers at the Humanist Canada, all couples across Ontario are free to do the same - to have non-religious ceremonies that are beautiful and meaningful to them.

It brings me so much pleasure to offer this service and see others enjoy their wedding days as much as we did.

Lindsay Robles



Little details make a big difference. 

Not one to be in lime light, Chun Yee prefers expressing herself through art and design. With an empathetic ear and a creative heart, she crafts memorable ceremonies tailored to each occasion.

Chun Yee Robles

Creative Director

Fists in Solidarity

The dream team.

The yin and yang of our personalities offer a holistic approach to each ceremony and client relationship. 

The Rivers approach

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